Hello Friend.
Mik had her buddy Carter over yesterday, was good to visit and chat with another adult for a bit while the kiddos rolled around on the floor. Well, Carter rolled, Mik sat and watched on. After our guests …
There’s a story that goes along with this photo of thee day which can be read Here: My Back Space
But here’s day 9 for it’s own glorious post!
It’s haircut tiiiiiiime!!! Ryan and daddy getting a haircut, just AMAZED that for a 2 year old he holds still really good! (He’s also aware of the lollipop stash at every haircut place we go to… that may have a …
always make sure you have all your ducks in a row!
Ryan is always volunteering to help around the house and yard. Today we gave him the Bag Boy job, not too shabby for a 2 year old!
And what a set it is. Like most families we’re taking the tree down this weekend, putting away all the lights, glitter and shimmer but before we did I just HAD to get a few more of M in her …
As 2010 came to a close, I had some time to think about all struggles we were faced with, the biggest was losing mom to cancer. In October 2009 she was diagnosed with cancer, in December she underwent 6 hours …
Portrait Parties are a gathering of your friends and family at one location to have professional portraits taken in a comfortable and relaxed environment. As the host of this fabulous party (and a great idea on your part!) your session …
Mini-Sessions are 30 minutes in length and are generally held at specific times and locations throughout the year, typically Spring & Fall. These sessions are also available on an individual basis but are limited to the studio or within the …
This will be my second attempt to participate in the 365 Project, lets see how long I can stay focused! I’m going to try and do both regular snap shots and edited/creative images using new lighting techniques, camera settings, post …
If I was still in Denver I would go crazy over all the photo ideas I’d have for this adorable girl! Milan and her parents live in a condo in Downtown Denver, we would have LOVED to do a city …
Rounding up 7 kids ranging from 4 months to 1 years is generally no easy task, especially when there are two huge playgrounds tempting them to runaway and play, but I think we did pretty well and even got one …
We started the day with a quick shoot in the backyard in Dad’s favorite outfit. Weather-permitting, mid-morning is a great time to take photos outside. We then headed to a park in League City to get a few shots of …